
This site provide you an absolutely free vector version of some logo, we are not the owner of logo or the image or picture, we just provide the vector version of them. If you need the vector version of any legal logo or something like it, you can make a request for free with some limitation. We will make it for you. We are not responsible for the use of the logo that you downloaded or requested  in any form. You use with your own responsible.

  • To request a vector version of a logo, you can email us on: indotrifa@gmail.com with subject make me a vector, the limitation is that we just support for a legal logo.
  • To support us: you can transfer or anything like it to paypal on: myprayitno80@gmail.com or you can transfer on Indonesia conventional bank : BCA with account number: 4480580856 (Prayitno)

Your support will make us can do every work, Thank You…

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